Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Application to Purchase Borough Tidelands

April 1, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Borough Assembly Chambers (12 S. Nordic Drive)

The Petersburg Borough Assembly will hold a public hearing during the regular Assembly meeting of April 1, 2024, to consider an application from Island Refrigeration, LLC, Brock Snider, owner, to purchase tidelands located on the south side of Dock Street (legal description: a portion of Wilson Tidelands Lease Plat #2000-6, T-37; parcel ID #01-010-035). 

Borough Code Section 16.16.070 states that in isolated and necessary instances, the Assembly may sell tracts of tidelands which are not needed for public purposes.  Code requires that at the hearing, the benefits of the sale of the subject tideland that could not be realized through leasing must be clearly demonstrated; and, that an applicant for purchase of tidelands must conclusively demonstrate that outright sale of a tideland, as contrasted with lease of the tideland, is in the borough’s best interests.

The April 1, 2024 Assembly meeting will begin at 12:00 p.m., with the public hearing on the agenda under item 5.  The public is invited to attend and provide testimony regarding this tideland purchase application.  Written comments to the Assembly may be dropped off at the front desk of the municipal building, mailed to PO Box 329, Petersburg, AK, 99833, or emailed to

For more information, contact Clerk Thompson at (907) 772-5405 or