WHO’S ELIGIBLE:  All residential customers; limited to a combined 220 pounds per customer.  Please contact the Baling Facility at 907-772-3228 or Public Works at 907-772-4430.

WHAT’S ELIGIBLE:  Solvents, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze, Cleaners, Poisons, Acids, Caustics, Furniture Stripper, Herbicides, Pesticides, Printing and Photographic Chemicals, Batteries, Stain, all other household wastes EXCEPT for the items listed below.

WHAT’S NOT ELIGIBLE:  Explosives, Blasting Caps and Gun Powder.  Reactives such as Sodium Metal, Radioactive Waste and Asbestos Containing Material.

WHERE:  Petersburg Borough Solid Waste Baling Facility, 1301 Reservoir Road

WHEN:  Saturday, June 24th & Sunday, June 25th, 2023 @  9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Information
  • Bring waste to the collection site on the scheduled day during hours of operation.  DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS AT THE SITE DURING OFF HOURS.
  • Do not mix wastes.
  • If a container is unmarked or not the original container, let a collection crew person know what is in the container, if possible.
  • All waste must be brought to the collection site at the Petersburg Solid Waste Baling Facility, 1301 Reservoir Road.
  • Waste Oil:  Please label the container.
  • Paint:  Do not mix oils and latex.
  • Avoid bringing children or pets to the collection event.


Items Not Accepted

  •  Food wastes
  • Household trash or scrap metal.  (Cardboard boxes and plastic bags used to transport the waste will be accepted for disposal.)
  • Explosives such as blasting caps and gunpowder 
  • Gas cylinders such as oxygen, propane, refrigerant or similar
  • Reactives such as sodium metal or radioactive wastes
  • Infectious wastes
  • Large lithium and cadmium batteries
  • Asbestos Containing Material